1. Color Change

The goal is change the color of the rectangle.

This PY requires color change ONLY on two events
1. mouse click
2. detecting overlap

For mouse click, when one of the first three buttons are clicked on, the rectangle will change to the color of that button. For example, if the yellow button is clicked on, then the rectangle will change to yellow.

For detecting overlap, we must drag the last two buttons ( blue and purple ) over to the rectangle. Only when the button overlaps with the rectangle does the rectangle change to that button's color. For example, if the button button overlaps with the rectangle, then the rectangle changes color to blue.

Hint For Color Change

1. Use Rain Catcher Part 6 as an example on control the color property of a game object.

2. Lift Off OR What's Inside

Lift Off The goal is put all supplies into the rocket and then the rocket will "lift off" in the upward direction.

There are two events for this PY
1. the first two supplies can be loaded upon mouse click
2. the last two supplies are loaded by dragging them over to the rocket.

The conditon for lift off is when all 4 supplies are loaded into the rocket ship. The order does not matter.

Hint For Lift Off

1. A supply can be loaded by making it hidden. See "Whack A Ninja" as an example.

What's Inside The goal is open and close a door and pick a random image.

There is only one event for this py
1. the door that is clicked on will open and a random pick can be chosen by clicking on the exposed card

There is one VERY important condition
1. ONLY one door can be open at any one time.

When a door is clicked on, all other doors must be closed shut. Next, the door that was clicked on is open.

Hint For What's Inside

1. There are actually two "doors"

2. Use "Whack A Ninja" as an example of how to "open" and "shut" a door.

3. Rock, Paper, Scissors

The goal is create a game where the user controls the presentation of the large game object on the left and the large game object on the left choses a random choice.


a. Player 1 is the user and the user uses the buttons at the bottom to change the presentation of the game object on the left.

b. There are a total of 9 combinations, 3 wins, 3 lose, 3 ties.

c. The 9 total combinations can be derived from the following rules:
c1. rock beats scissors
c2. scissors beats paper
c3. paper beats rock

d. The game should display "you win", "you lose", or "tie" to let the user know what has happened. The messages can be presented by using a text label.

e. Evertime the user clicks on any of the 3 buttons at the bottom, both Player 1 and Player 2 will have a different selection.