1. Endless Run or Falling Sky

Endless Run The goal of this PY is to dodge the falling shurikens and the rock, which is traveling from the right to the left.


1. When the "Start Game" button is clicked on, the shurikens start at the top and fall in the downwards direction.

2. When a shuriken is touching the brown colored ground, that shuriken will be removed from the game.

3. Cloning MUST be used to create the shuriken and a new clone is spawned every 3 seconds.

4. The clones are positioned randomly on the x axis and then they fall.

5. When the "Start Game" button is clicked on, the rock starts on the right and moves to the left.

6. When the rock is on the left side of the screen, the rock will be positioned back to the right side.

7. The rock DOES NOT NEED to be cloned.

8. The ninja can be controlled to dodge both the falling shurikens and rock.

9. The ninja can be moved left by pressing the left arrow button on the keyboard.

10. The ninja can be moved right by pressing the right arrow button on the keyboard.

11. The ninja can also jump up to dodge the rock.

12. When the up arrow button is pressed, the ninja will jump in the air and then fall down to the ground

13. The game is over and must be stopped under ANY of the two conditions

13.1. a shuriken touches the ninja

13.2. the rock touches the ninja.


1. Use Ball Toss for sample code on how to make the ninja bounce in a parabolic path.

2. Use Rain Catcher Part 3 for sample code about random positioning.

Falling Sky The goal of this PY is to stop any of the falling clouds from touching the ground.


1. When the "Start Game" button is clicked on, the clouds start at the top and fall in the downwards direction.

2. When a cloud is touching the brown colored ground, the game is over and must be stopped

3. Cloning MUST be used to create the clouds and a new clone is spawned every 3 seconds.

4. The clones are positioned randomly on the x axis and then they fall.

9. The ninja can be moved left by pressing the left arrow button on the keyboard.

10. The ninja can be moved right by pressing the right arrow button on the keyboard.

11. A ninja star object follows the ninja at all times unless the space bar is pressed.

12. When the space bar is pressed, the ninja star object will be released in the upwards direction. The ninja star object will continue to travel in the upwards direction until it touches a cloud.

12.1. if the ninja star object touches a cloud, the ninja star object will immediately go back to the ninja and the cloud will be pushed back in the upwards direction. After being pushed back in the upward direction, the cloud will continue to fall again in the downwards direction.

12.2. If the ninja star object DOES NOT touch any of the cloud and flies off screen, then the ninja star object will immediately go back to the ninja.


1. Use Rain Catcher Part 3 for sample code about cloning AND random positioning.

2. Word Scramble

The goal of this PY is to correctly guess all of the letters that make up the word while not violating a count of 6 incorrect guesses.


1. The word that is chosen is in the Scene under the event "Initialize When Scene Starts"

2. The game will pick a random word each time the "Start Game" is clicked on

3. The letters at the bottom are the available options for the game. A selection of a letter is based on a mouse click.

4. When the "Start Game" button is clicked on, the randomly chosen word will be hidden from the player. This requires putting a dash "-" to hide each letter of the word.

5. When the player clicks on a letter at the bottom, the code must check if the letter exists in the randomly chosen word. If so, then it is a HIT and the letter will appear in the same exact spot.

5.1. For example, if the player clicks on a letter and that letter is repeated multiple times, i.e. the word "array" has the letter 'r' multiple times in position 1 and 2, then replace the dash at position 1 and 2 with the letter 'r'.

5.2. If the player clicks on a letter that is already shown, then nothing happens and there is no penalty.

6. If the player clicks on a letter that does not make up the word, then a randomly chosen body part is removed from the game.

6.1. If the player clicks on the same letter twice and that letter does not make up the word, then it will count as a double miss and the miss count increases by 2.

7. The game is when any of the following conditions are true

7.1. All letters are correctly guessed AND there is at least 1 body part remaining

7.2. All 6 body parts are no longer visible ( hidden or removed ).


1. Use looping ( "while" or "for" ) to check if the user-guessed letter makes up the word

2. Write a function definition and pass it data - the data should be the letter that the user clicked on

3. Use a switch to determine which body part should go away ( hide or remove )

3. Circus Bounce

The goal of this PY is to prevent the ninja from falling below the trampoline.


1. The trampline is controlled by the user using the mouse. The trampline only moves in the lateral direction.

1.1. If the mouse moves left, the trampoline will move left.

1.2. If the mouse moves right, the trampoline will move right.

2. When the "Start Game" button is clicked on, the ninja will begin to fall in the downward direction.

3. When the ninja touches the trampline, the ninja will bounce in the air in a parabolic path and then fall down.

4. The ninja must bounce off the left and right walls and also the top wall.

5. The game is over when the ninja falls below the trampoline.


1. Use Ball Toss for sample code on how to make the ninja bounce in a parabolic path.

2. Use Wall Blaster 2 for sample code on how to bounce off the left, right, and top wall